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Base rate: $45.00/hour.

First Time, Discount: (2 hour session) $30
Book your 2 hour session. In shopping cart click the $30 off coupon

Frequent Frequencies Club: $45/month, month-to-month, allows you to buy any number of hours (during that month) at $30/hr. (Each membership is good for one person)
Under “Memberships” in top menu choose Club link and pay club membership fee. Then, for the following month, under “Book a Session” put a one (1) in the Frequent Frequencies box, do your bookings. As long as you are signed in, you will automatically be charged just $30/hour.

Fast Track Plan: $350/month, month-to-month, unlimited hours (that month) based on availability. (Each membership is good for one person)
Under “Memberships” in top menu choose Plan link and pay plan membership fee. Then, for the following month, under “Book a Session” put a one (1) in the Fast Track box, do your bookings. As long as you are signed in, you will not be charged for sessions.

Seniors: $35/hour.
Under “Book a Session”, put in the number of seniors being booked, then do your bookings and you will be charged just $35/hour.

Veterans: $10/hour. Based on availability.
Under “Book a Session”, put in the number of veterans being booked, then do your bookings and you will be charged just $10/hour.

Disabled Veterans: $0/hour. Based on availability.
Under “Book a Session”, put in the number of disabled veterans being booked, then do your bookings and you will not be charged.