Recommendations for Regaining Your Health
How often to do Sessions:
1 session a week is enough if you just want to maintain your health and keep toxins at bay.
2 sessions a week is more beneficial if you have health issues.
3 sessions a week may be necessary with serious health conditions (cancer, MS, autism, etc.) after the initial detox sessions.
NOTE: You want to be well hydrated before coming to your session. Sound conducts more efficiently in water and solids than it does in air, and we are about 70% water, with the remaining 30% mostly solid. This is a very efficient and powerful way to flood the entire body with frequencies.
A Biofeedback Pre-treatment is done just before your session to help create homeostasis in your body, by providing frequencies for balancing anything it finds that is out of balance. We can also imprint these frequencies into a Quantum Applic-aid (stick-on disc) that you can wear continually, if desired.
Once a week we do a Quantum Resonance Scan that gives you a printout, showing systemic and nutrient conditions in the body and whether they are above or below normal. This can show you what nutrients you may be short on and any heavy metal excesses causing toxicity, and the conditions of different areas in the body. You can see how your body is improving each week as you compare the printouts.
This is the first step… It is highly important to get rid of toxins. If your body is busy fighting toxins, it has less energy to focus on healing.
Take a serious look at the toxins in your environment (including EMF exposure), and in your body (including food intake and cosmetics). Do everything possible to eliminate as many toxins as you can. There is a small booklet “Switching to a Toxin Free Lifestyle”, on our information board, that can help you with this.
The EESystem excels at helping the body to detox. That’s one of the first things that happen when you start doing sessions.
Here’s what that process would look like:
- To start detoxing your body, we recommend a 2 hour session and take a detox sea salt bath (or equivalent) that same day. Drink plenty of water, lemon water, or coconut water to help flush the toxins (½ your weight in ounces each day (100 lbs = 50 oz.)).
- A day or 2 after your first session, if you are not having any detox symptoms, you can schedule another session.
- If you are not experiencing any detox symptoms, you may want to increase the amount of time you spend. (One 4-hour session does more good than Two 2-hour sessions.)
Other things you can do to help with the detoxing:
- Make a paste with our detox sea salt bath mixture and some healthy oil (olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil) and rub it all over your body. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then shower off well.
- Put 1/2-1 cup of our detox sea salt bath mixture into a hot foot bath and soak 20-30 minutes.
- Infrared sauna sessions (6x better than Swedish saunas).
- Ionic foot baths (4x better than the sea salt bath). (Available in-store)
- Take some spirulina, chlorella, or liquid chlorophyll each day (chelates heavy metals and neutralizes toxins so they don’t make you sick as your body is getting rid of them). (Available in-store)
- Herbs that help greatly with detox and supporting the liver are burdock root, dandelion root, and milk thistle. However, these herbs are in the Asteraceae family (daisies, ragweed, etc.) so if you are allergic to plants in this family, do not use them.
Purified Liquid Zeolite (NCD) acts like a magnet, sucking up toxins, antigens, free radicals, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, bacteria, mold, fungus and even DU (depleted uranium) and keeping them inert as they are excreted from the body. It increases immune system function, alkalizes the blood, blocks viral replication, and neutralizes free radicals. (Available in-store)
Note: If you are using any pharmaceutical medications, do not take natural remedies at the same time as the medications, in case of any contraindications. You may be able to separate them by a couple of hours, but check with your doctor to make sure.
In cases of heavy toxicity as with cancer, or a MTHFR gene mutation, we have a 2-minute frequency boost session we provide that aids in opening up the detox channels in your body, making it easier to flush the toxins out. We can imprint these frequencies into a Quantum Applic-aid that you can wear continually, if desired.
We also have an individual 30 min. Herxheimer Relief session you can utilize.
Emotional Correlations to Specific Organs:
- Heart- Joy and Heartbreak: Intense emotions affect heart rhythm and cardiovascular health.
- Liver- Anger: Anger and irritability can compromise liver function, impacting detoxification.
- Lungs- Grief: Sadness and grief can reduce lung efficiency, highlighting the need for emotional balance.
- Stomach- Worry: Chronic worry disrupts stomach processes, leading to gastrointestinal issues.
- Kidneys- Fear: Persistent fear can degrade kidney health, affecting the body’s filtering capability.
- Spleen- Pensiveness: Overthinking can strain the spleen, which impacts your immune response and metabolism
Emotional trauma lies at the root of almost every cancer. If this is an issue you are dealing with, we have frequency imprinted products (Wellness Aids and Quantum Applic-aids) that can help in removing emotional blocks. Using them in conjunction with EESytem sessions can speed up your recovery.
We also have additional equipment for individual one-on-one sessions, targeting specific conditions. We do our best to provide you with tools that work together synergistically in helping your body return to it’s best health.